Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Wednesday September 27th 2017, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Got taller GREW
5. Etching supplies ACIDS
10. Ski area in Utah’s Wasatch Mountains ALTA
14. See 66-Across RACE
15. Bad news for the waiter NO TIP
16. Classic cars REOS
17. Fall in love with something at the home improvement center? ADORE A DOOR
19. “Pretty please?” MAY I?
20. “Frasier” role NILES
21. Debuting on screen NEW
23. iPhone, e.g., briefly PDA
24. Scooby-__ DOO
25. Bring Bugs into harmony? ATTUNE A TOON
30. Golf tee, e.g. PEG
31. “Flashdance…What a Feeling” singer Cara IRENE
32. Barbecue pair TONGS
33. Solo in a spotlight ARIA
35. Smallish batteries AAS
36. Med. condition with repetitive behavior OCD
37. Get voices in all ranges? ACQUIRE A CHOIR
42. Colony resident ANT
43. Gallery filler ART
44. Went like crazy SPED
46. Second thought DOUBT
49. Get fuzzy, as vision BLEAR
51. Grand __ Opry OLE
52. Severely criticize the store special? ASSAIL A SALE
54. “Breaking Bad” org. DEA
55. Org. offering written and road tests DMV
56. Mason jar attachment LID
57. Humdrum BANAL
59. Start bubbling BOIL
61. Criticize the stringed instrument? ABASE A BASS
65. Greek peak OSSA
66. With 14-Across, event with batons RELAY
67. Site with tech reviews CNET
68. __ end DEAD
69. Wild West transport STAGE
70. Run-of-the-mill SO-SO
1. __ Joe, Charlie’s companion on his tour of Wonka’s chocolate factory GRANDPA
2. Time before TV… RADIO ERA
3. Environment-related ECOLOGIC
4. “Where __ you?” WERE
5. Actress Ortiz of “Ugly Betty” ANA
6. Fish sticks fish COD
7. Midori on the ice ITO
8. Pop singer Warwick DIONNE
9. Binge SPREE
10. Reliever’s asset ARM
11. Seize, as an opportunity LEAP ON
12. Pooch in your lap, maybe TOY DOG
13. Most people ASIANS
18. Actor Morales ESAI
22. Keep an eye on WATCH
26. Personal attribute TRAIT
27. Rip (up) TEAR
28. Opens, as an official document UNSEALS
29. Commotions TO-DOS
34. Jordan’s only port AQABA
36. In base eight OCTAL
38. No later than UNTIL
39. Space AREA
40. Tiny tunes player IPOD NANO
41. Big events for film studios RELEASES
45. Gives a hand DEALS TO
46. Somewhat flabby male physique, informally DAD BOD
47. Diffuse slowly through a membrane OSMOSE
48. Permit to enter the States US VISA
49. Unwise wager BAD BET
50. Country’s McEntire REBA
53. Whopper creators LIARS
58. Basics ABCS
60. Young chap LAD
62. According to A LA
63. Give in to gravity SAG
64. Word after eagle or hawk -EYE
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