Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Wednesday January 6th 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Big initials in tobacco RJR
4. Devices with scroll wheels MICE
8. Many an old-movie criminal mastermind MADMAN
14. Perrier, par exemple EAU
15. Sick as __ A DOG
16. Jittery UNEASY
17. Visitor’s first attempt DING DONG!
19. Emphatic type ITALIC
20. Training group CADRE
21. Like milligrams and kilograms METRIC
23. Baseball family name ALOU
24. Actress Thompson of “Family” SADA
25. “My bad!” OOPS!
29. Queen-to-be, maybe PAWN
30. Visitor’s second attempt KNOCK KNOCK!
33. Hum a lullaby for SING TO
35. Common starting time NINE
36. Justice Dept. division FBI
37. Sean’s mom YOKO
39. Unlikely Monopoly outcomes TIES
41. Student carrier BUS
44. Peeled-off item RIND
46. “Big crunch” pickle brand VLASIC
50. Visitor’s third attempt ANYONE HOME?!
53. Asti export VINO
54. Kids’ __: restaurant offering MENU
55. “The Dukes of Hazzard” deputy ENOS
56. Indigo source ANIL
57. Ottoman shelter IMARET
60. Playing marble AGATE
61. Nixes VETOES
64. Visitor’s last words FORGET IT
66. How megastores buy goods IN BULK
67. Boo-boo OWIE
68. Snitch RAT
69. Assumes to be true POSITS
70. Ring units: Abbr. RNDS
71. Porter kin ALE
1. Baggage handlers REDCAPS
2. Game with cestas and pelotas JAI ALAI
3. Seedy RUN-DOWN
4. Good way to have it? MADE
5. Knot-tying words I DO
6. One with a racket CON MAN
7. Stirred up EGGED ON
8. Conservationist John MUIR
9. Against ANTI
10. Church official DEACON
11. Start to practice? MAL-
12. “__ live and breathe!” AS I
13. B’way setting NYC
18. Seedy GRUNGY
22. Unspoken TACIT
24. Chicago suburb SKOKIE
26. Stomach-punch response OOF!
27. Banned chem. contaminant PCB
28. Snow glider SKI
31. Sushi chef’s array KNIVES
32. Ship’s spine KEEL
34. Unable to choose TORN
38. “Rings __ Fingers”: 1942 Fonda/Tierney film ON HER
40. Wild and fierce SAVAGE
41. Emeril exclamation BAM!
42. Le Mans article UNE
43. Peek, for peep: Abbr. SYN
45. Toast, so to speak DONE FOR
47. Ol’ Blue Eyes SINATRA
48. Monogram component INITIAL
49. “Gigi” author COLETTE
51. “Right away, madame!” OUI OUI!
52. Four Tops’ record label MOTOWN
58. Get all mushy MELT
59. Invites ASKS
60. Long stretches AGES
61. Bigwig VIP
62. Brian of Roxy Music ENO
63. Airer of some MLB postseason games TBS
65. Clear (of) RID
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