Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Friday October 25th 2024, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Exhaust : EAT UP
6 Nosrat’s “Salt Fat __ Heat” : ACID
10 Owed : DUE
13 Steam bath : SAUNA
14 Olympic swimmer Torres : DARA
15 Genetic molecule translated into protein : RNA
16 Publications dedicated to the history of a jazz instrument? : SAXOPHONE BOOKS
19 Subtle glow : AURA
20 Masters of allusion? : POETS
22 Particles from a percussion instrument that may start a sneezing fit? : COWBELL PEPPER
26 Go downhill fast? : SCHUSS
28 Thataway, quaintly : YON
29 Push to the limit : TRY
30 Café lightener : LAIT
31 Surfer’s gadget : REMOTE
34 Windfall from the sale of wind instruments? : CLARINET PROFITS
40 Flexible lunch hour : ONEISH
41 Chess piece in castling : ROOK
42 Saison for the Paris Olympics : ETE
45 Buff : FAN
46 Score : TWENTY
48 Fantasies about being the best player of a Scottish instrument? : BAGPIPE DREAMS
52 Thorny shrub : BRIAR
53 Like breezeways : AIRY
54 Endeavor to improve a brass instrument? : TRUMPET PROJECT
61 More than most : ALL
62 Hockey Hall of Famer Willie : O’REE
63 Pizzazz : FLASH
64 Signals intelligence org. : NSA
65 PC key for scrolling to the end : PGDN
66 Incursion : FORAY
1 First of September? : ESS
2 Tower of note : AAA
3 Inaugural ball duds : TUX
4 Game with 108 cards : UNO
5 Melonlike tropical fruit : PAPAWS
6 Hold precious : ADORE
7 Creation by a locks smith? : CANAL
8 Wrath : IRE
9 Perfume application : DAB
10 Sag : DROOP
11 Broken, as some promises : UNKEPT
12 Sunrise service occasion : EASTER
17 Places to make connections : HUBS
18 Not against entertaining : OPEN TO
21 “omg my bad” : SRY
22 “Pet” that needs lots of water : CHIA
23 Concluding piece : OUTRO
24 _ node : LYMPH
25 Not even fair : POOR
26 Jazz home, initially : SLC
27 Ore. neighbor : CAL
31 French queen : REINE
32 UFO crew, presumably : ETS
33 Violinist Zimbalist : EFREM
35 Ailing : INFIRM
36 Spring’s opposite, in tides : NEAP
37 Non-neutral particles : IONS
38 Add (up) : TOT
39 Much of a sunset photo : SKY
42 Abate : EBB
43 Tam pattern : TARTAN
44 Members of a TikTok subculture : E-GIRLS
46 Yukon, e.g.: Abbr. : TERR
47 Not even close : WAY OFF
49 “Into the Water” novelist Hawkins : PAULA
50 So last century : DATED
51 Get ready to eat : RIPEN
55 _ fly : POP
56 Indoor rower, for short : ERG
57 Selena portrayer, familiarly : JLO
58 Orecchiette shape : EAR
59 Local source of produce: Abbr. : CSA
60 Biblical possessive : THY
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