Here is the complete list of answers for the Thursday January 23rd 2014 Los Angeles Times crossword puzzle:
Across Answers
1. Took in ATE
4. Cartoon huntsman FUDD
8. One of the five Olympic rings AFRICA
14. __ Harbour, Fla. BAL
15. Memo term IN RE
16. Jeweled headgear DIADEM
17. Electrical unit OHM
18. France, in the time of the 6-Down GAUL
19. Julio’s partner in wine ERNEST
20. Sponge MOOCH
22. The Beatles’ “__ Just Seen a Face” I’VE
24. ERA and others STATS
25. Enchant BESOT
26. Mark DENOTE
28. Power units WATTS
30. Thought before taking a risk DO I DARE?
34. Excessively affected TOO TOO
36. First name in Chicago politics RAHM
37. Pathetic SAD
38. Good Friday mo., often APR
39. Lullaby setting, and a hint to the starts of 3-, 4-, 9- and 31-Down TREETOP
41. Group __ HUG
42. 4-Across frame CEL
43. Golden __: Drake’s ship HIND
44. How aspirin is taken ORALLY
46. Single sock, e.g. ODDMENT
48. “We hold __ truths …” THESE
49. Superfan ADORER
51. Art nouveau, say STYLE
54. Musical flip B-SIDE
57. Sumac of song YMA
58. Man of letters? SAJAK
59. Hard to believe UNREAL
61. __ B’rith B’NAI
63. Down Under school UNI
64. Mutual respect COMITY
65. Second ECHO
66. “Football Night in America” co-host Patrick DAN
67. Envelop SWATHE
68. List maker DEAN
69. More than scratch the surface DIG
Down Answers
1. Enola Gay payload A-BOMB
2. Lake bordering the Silver and Golden states TAHOE
3. “Sesame Street” segment with Dorothy the goldfish ELMO’S WORLD
4. Combat with one survivor FIGHT TO THE DEATH
5. Actress Merkel UNA
6. Pre-Christian Celtic priests DRUIDS
7. Go deeply (into) DELVE
8. Citrusy drink ADE
9. Input for a personnel interviewer FIRST IMPRESSION
10. Carried on RANTED
11. “The very __!” IDEA
12. “__ la vie!” C’EST
13. Figs. AMTS
21. Oft-checked item COAT
23. Use as a terminus END AT
27. “I know! Pick me!” OOH! OOH!
29. Città on the Po TORINO
31. “Dolphin Tale” co-star ASHLEY JUDD
32. Castro of Cuba RAUL
33. Neither cool nor collected EDGY
34. Food truck offering TACO
35. Non-news page OP-ED
36. It may precede meat and potatoes RED
40. Sweepstakes mail-in ENTRY
45. Sleuthing films canine ASTA
47. Got there MADE IT
48. Semiconscious state TRANCE
50. Set EMBED
52. Island only 2% owned by Hawaii LANAI
53. Barely acquiring, with “out” EKING
54. Tampa NFL team BUCS
55. Bamboozle SNOW
56. “__ la Douce” IRMA
60. Pipe cleaner LYE
62. “Now it’s clear!” AHA!
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