Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Friday May 27th 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
Did you miss out on today’s crossword?
1. Man of many words ROGET
6. Course designer CHEF
10. Hiker’s map, briefly TOPO
14. Words spoken on a star? I WISH
15. Virna of “How to Murder Your Wife” LISI
16. Organic compound ENOL
17. ’60s executive order creation PEACE CORPS
19. Combine MELD
20. Locks in a zoo MANE
21. Human Be-In attendee HIPPIE
23. 1988 Cabinet resignee ED MEESE
27. Apostle known as “the Zealot” ST SIMON
28. Facetious tributes ROASTS
29. Steady BEAU
30. Comfort and others INNS
31. Avid surfers NETIZENS
35. Societal change begun in Quebec during the ’60s QUIET REVOLUTION
39. Money-saving refuge TAX HAVEN
40. Subway purchase HERO
41. Blue dye ANIL
42. Hints TRACES
44. Renders harmless DEFANGS
48. Greasy spoon BEANERY
49. It’s not widely understood IN-JOKE
50. Small flaw WART
51. Cozy spot NOOK
52. ’60s aviation nickname WHISPERJET
58. Quattro competitor ATRA
59. Quattro, e.g. AUDI
60. 2013 One Direction hit DIANA
61. Victor’s “Samson and Delilah” co-star HEDY
62. Line holder for a cast REEL
63. Lustrous synthetic RAYON
1. Swindle, with “off” RIP
2. Run a tab, say OWE
3. 1998 Angelina Jolie biopic GIA
4. F1 neighbor ESC
5. It’s across from Alice Tully Hall THE MET
6. One of many in “Orphan Black” CLONE
7. Engage HIRE
8. Sixth of five? ESP
10. Largo and presto TEMPI
11. Matinee hr. ONE PM
12. March of Dimes’ original crusade POLIO
13. Ancient OLDEN
18. Mama in music CASS
22. Trooper’s outfit? ISUZU
23. La Salle of “ER” ERIQ
24. Fried treat DONUT
25. Obsession MANIA
26. Thomas Cromwell’s earldom ESSEX
27. Determined about SET ON
29. Oblique cut BEVEL
31. Half a Caribbean federation NEVIS
32. Tom’s “Mission: Impossible” role ETHAN
33. Reunion attendee NIECE
34. More put out SORER
36. “__ heaven” THANK
37. American West conflict RANGE WAR
38. Overly curious NOSY
42. Former Blue Devil rival, briefly TERP
43. Not suitable for kids RATED-R
44. Shore show of the ’70s DINAH!
45. Modern message E-NOTE
46. Alaskan cruise sight FJORD
47. Jim-dandy A-OKAY
48. Pizza sauce herb BASIL
50. Off-target WIDE
53. Color distinction HUE
54. 46-Down kin RIA
55. Magpie relative JAY
56. “Microsoft sound” composer ENO
57. Brown shade TAN
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