Crossword by: Jacob Stulberg and edited by Rich Norris
Welcome to the answers to the Friday October 25 2013 LA Times crossword puzzle! A quote from Samuel Butler is the theme today. The quote is: “The hen is only an egg’s way of making another egg.” Very philosophical for a Friday. What do you think?

Across Answers
1. City SE of Milan LODI
Lodi is where you can find the Piazza della Vittoria, which is one of the most beautiful squares you can find in Italy.
5. Station occupant COP
This term actually came from “to cop,” which is a verb, and also means “to arrest.”
8. Extended stays ABODES
14. Dept. with a sun on its seal ENER
The Department of Energy’s seal includes different kinds of energy sources. This includes solar power, wind power, and nuclear power.
15. Dish made in an oven called an imu POI
An imu is an underground oven used in places like Hawaii to cook Kalua style. Kalua, when translated, means “to cooke in an underground oven.” Foods that are cooked through an imu are traditionally served in luaus.
16. With 66-Across, author of this puzzle’s quote SAMUEL
Samuel Butler, a famous poet and satirist, was known for his satirical poem “Hudibras,” a polemic that targets different factions in the English Civil War.
17. Some museum work OILS
18. Start of a quote A HEN IS ONLY
“A hen is only an egg’s way of making another egg.”- Samuel Butler
20. Super stars? NOVAE
A novae is the plural form of nova, when a nuclear explosion occurs in a white dwarf star. This happens when there is hydrogen accretion on the star’s surface. The star will appear brighter than usual, and this occurrence can last a few weeks to a few years.
22. Sitting setting STUDIO
23. Quote, part 2 AN EGG’S
25. “Hear, hear!” AMEN!
26. Self-obsessed sort FOP
29. Grub EATS
31. Legal appurtenance? -ESE
32. Barbary __ APE
The Barbary ape, also called as the Barbay Macaque, can be found in El-Kouf National Park in Libya and the Atlas mountains of Morocco and Algeria. They belong to the Old World Monkey species.
33. Medium CHANNELER
37. Rich dessert TORTE
Yummy tortes are usually made with little or no flour at all. This type of layered cake is filled with fruits, jams, mousses, buttercreams, and whipped cream.
39. “Hold it!” HALT!
40. Quote, part 3 WAY OF
42. “… ‘Tis a pageant / To keep __ false gaze”: “Othello” US IN
“This cannot be,
By no assay of reason: ’tis a pageant,
To keep us in false gaze.”
43. __ coffee IRISH
Irish coffee is hot coffee mixed with brown sugar and Irish whiskey. It is topped with thick cream, then served. Cheers!
45. They can be wound up NEUROTICS
A neurotic person may be paranoid, moody, extremely stressed, or having a hard time being social–or all of the above.
47. Green shade PEA
48. Hosp. readout ECG
ECG means electrocardiogram or electrocardiography
50. Incentives to cooperate SOPS
51. Tee sizes: Abbr. SMS
T-shirt sizes: Smalls, or mediums
52. “It’s __!”: ballgame cry A HIT
54. Quote, part 4 MAKING
58. Goes right, e.g. STEERS
60. It sometimes results in a double play LINER
61. End of the quote ANOTHER EGG
65. Dominion RULE
66. See 16-Across BUTLER
67. NYC subway overseer MTA
MTA stands for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
68. Three-point B, say TILE
The letter B in Scrabble is worth three points.
69. Shakespearean title character ANTONY
Mark Antony was a Roman politican, a general and one of Julius Caesar’s allies. His political alliance and romantic relationship with Cleopatra, the Egyptian queen became his downfall, as what has been told by Shakespeare’s tragedy, “Mark Antony and Cleopatra.”
70. Handy skill for a gambler? ESP
ESP stands for Extrasensory Perception
71. Leave in STET
Stet is Latin that means “let it stand,” a term used by editors as an instruction to the writer or the typist.
Down Answers
1. British singer/songwriter Lewis LEONA
Leona Lewis won in the contest “The X Factor” in the year 2006. She also sang the hit songs “A Moment Like This,” “Better in time,” and “yesterday.”
2. Source of some rings ONION
Mmmm.. My favorite!
3. Probe, with “into” DELVE
4. Feds concerned with returns IRS AGENTS
IRS stands for Internal Revenue Service. This was formed during the Civil War to raise money for war expenses.
5. Pro concerned with returns CPA
CPA stands for Certified Public Accountant
6. Expressions of wonder OOHS
7. Two-figure sculpture PIETA
The Pieta is a Christian art that depicts the dead body of Jesus Christ being held by the Virgin Mother Mary. The Pieta in St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City, was sculpted by Michelangelo.
8. Dramatic revelations ASIDES
9. Medieval helmet BASINET
The Basinet, or the bascinet, was a military helmet used during medieval European times. It was open-faced and had a pointed apex to the skull.
10. Novel that begins in the Marquesas Islands OMOO
Omoo, written by Herman Melville, is autobiographical in nature, and is also the author’s sequel to Typee.
11. Bug for payment DUN
It’s just like how creditors often pester clients with delinquent accounts. Now we got a clearer picture.
12. Member of the genus Anguilla EEL
Eels are known to live in the freshwater such as lakes or rivers, but when it’s time for them to reproduce, they return to the ocean.
13. Not straight SLY
19. Legion NUMEROUS
21. Richard of “A Summer Place” EGAN
Did you know that Richard Egan was a devout Catholic who attended mass daily?
24. Worry STEW
26. Kurdish relative FARSI
Farsi is the most widely spoken Persian language.
27. __ nerve OPTIC
28. Hammer parts PEEN
The peen is the wedge-shaped part of the end of the hammer.
30. More jargony SLANGIER
33. Salty bagful CHIPS
34. “Don Juan DeMarco” setting HAREM
Don Juan DeMarco is one of the seven films Johnny Depp played in which the title is the actual name of the character he played.
35. Bit of checkpoint deception ALIAS
36. Organ that may be caught EYE
38. Rural-urban transition area OUTSKIRTS
41. Sent by FROM
44. Missionary’s target HEATHEN
Heathens were once thought to be pagans and idolatrous.
46. Gem mined mostly in Australia OPAL
97% of the world’s opal supply comes from Australia, and it is also their national gemstone.
49. All smiles CHEERY
53. HBO series set in New Orleans TREME
Treme is an HBO series about the residents of New Orleans trying to rebuild their homes, their lives, and their culture.
55. Greenland native INUIT
The Inuit people live in the northernmost areas of Greenland, Siberia, Canada, and Alaska. They made their homes out of ice, and during the summer, out of animal skin stretched over a driftwood or whalebone frame.
56. “Ally McBeal” lawyer NELLE
Nelle Porter is played by Portia de Rossi in the TV series Ally McBeal. She is noted for her cold demeanor and her excellent litigation skills.
57. Welcome GREET
58. D-Day city ST LO
D-Day occured in Normandy, St. Lo, being a part of the town, was heavily damaged due to heavy artillery fire and bombing.
59. York et al.: Abbr. SGTS
61. Legal org. ABA
ABA stands for American Bar Association, founded in August, 1878
62. One of the Poor Clares NUN
St Claire of Assisi was one of the 1st followers of St Francis of Assisi. She founded a monastic religious order, the Order of Poor Ladies. She was the one to write its Rule of Life, the first monastic rule ever written by a woman.
63. Memorable Giant OTT
Mel Ott played for the New York Giants from 1926 to 1947. He batted left handed and threw right-handed. Though a power hitter, he had a slight stature, but was the 1st player in the National League to surpass five hundred home runs. Mel Ott died in a car accident.
64. Orthodontist’s concern GAP
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