Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Monday July 4th 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Son of God, in a Bach cantata JESU
5 Sacred wading bird of ancient Egypt IBIS
9 English class topic USAGE
14 Novelist Hunter EVAN
15 Outstanding credit DEBT
16 __ Valley, Calif.: 1960 Winter Olympics site SQUAW
17 Pre-exam review session REFRESHER COURSE
20 Prepare to propose KNEEL
21 Figure skating leap AXEL
22 Satisfied sounds AAHS
23 Tel __, Israel AVIV
25 Use an acetylene torch on WELD
27 Multinational military alliance COALITION FORCE
33 PIN requester ATM
34 In a bit SOON
35 Words before “Happy New Year!” TWO, ONE
37 Explore eBay SHOP
39 Vintage roadster REO
41 Pop singer Diamond NEIL
42 Medal of Honor recipients HEROES
45 State firmly AVER
48 Delta rival: Abbr. UAL
49 Reporter’s trustworthy contact RELIABLE SOURCE
52 ”What have I gotten myself __?” INTO
53 Bring in from the fields REAP
54 Cries from successful solvers AHAS
57 Flu symptom AGUE
59 Sounds of thunder CLAPS
63 Coin-operated kiddie ride MECHANICAL HORSE
66 Spin docs PR MEN
67 ”If all __ fails … “ ELSE
68 Out of the wind ALEE
69 Shabby SEEDY
70 Puts into words SAYS
71 Where boats tie up DOCK
1 Soda __: fountain worker JERK
2 Tied, as a score EVEN
3 Out of danger SAFE
4 Hard to believe UNREAL
5 Checkpoint requirements: Abbr. IDS
6 Conduct, in report card comments BEHAVIOR
7 Curly-horned goat IBEX
8 Sprinkled widely STREWN
9 GI show gp. USO
10 Detachment of fighter jets SQUADRON
11 Subtle glow AURA
12 Nasty cut GASH
13 Fleecy farm females EWES
18 ”Don’t Be Cruel” singer ELVIS
19 Chin indentation CLEFT
24 Simpson trial judge ITO
26 Weather map “L” LOW
27 Tens and twenties CASH
28 ”None of the above” choice OTHER
29 Love, in Rome AMORE
30 NBA great Shaquille O’NEAL
31 __ d’Alene, Idaho COEUR
32 Room-filling computer unveiled in 1946 ENIAC
36 Magazine you can read forward and backward? ELLE
38 Like shiny shoes POLISHED
40 Flipped during frying, as eggs OVER EASY
43 Austrian “a” EIN
44 The devil SATAN
46 Tampa-to-Palm Beach dir. ESE
47 Pest control target ROACH
50 Unidentified flying radar blips BOGIES
51 Transfer, as computer data UPLOAD
54 Bandstand boosters AMPS
55 ”Present!” HERE!
56 Summit ACME
58 Golden St. campus UCLA
60 Folksy Guthrie ARLO
61 Tiny time meas PSEC
62 Search for SEEK
64 Vague quantity ANY
65 ”__ Misérables” LES
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