Crossword by: Kevin Christian
Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Monday May 19th LA Times Times crossword puzzle:
Across Answers
1. Omega’s opposite ALPHA
6. Hundred Acre Wood bear POOH
10. “And another thing …” ALSO …
14. Fable conclusion MORAL
15. With 16-Across, money to buy a car AUTO
16. See 15-Across LOAN
17. Oust EVICT
18. Glasgow native SCOT
19. Checkers or chess, e.g. GAME
20. Local area NECK OF THE WOODS
23. Rapper Dr. __ DRE
24. B’way full-house sign SRO
25. One of the back forty ACRE
26. Hangover cure, so they say HAIR OF THE DOG
31. Mail dely. compartment PO BOX
34. Vegetable oil-based spread OLEO
35. Fed. property overseer GSA
36. Vogue shelfmate ELLE
37. Madagascar tree dweller LEMUR
39. Fourth of __ JULY
40. Greek “T” TAU
41. Junky car HEAP
42. Tippy boat CANOE
43. Way things are legally viewed EYES OF THE LAW
47. Shoulder muscle, for short DELT
48. Small songbird TIT
49. Sheep sound BAA
52. Valedictorian HEAD OF THE CLASS
56. Poli sci subj. GOVT
57. Eight, on a sundial VIII
58. Hard thing to break HABIT
59. Tony Award relative OBIE
60. Util. supply ELEC
61. Throw off one’s trail EVADE
62. Type option for emphasis BOLD
63. Cincinnati team REDS
64. Less likely to be a bargain on eBay RARER
Down Answers
1. Change, as a constitution AMEND
2. Romantic partner LOVER
3. Five dollars a pound, e.g. PRICE
4. Access illegally, as a database HACK
5. Jazz combo instrument ALTO SAX
6. Church leader PASTOR
7. “That hurt!” OUCH!
8. Native Nebraskan OTOE
9. Serious trouble HOT WATER
10. ’90s veep AL GORE
11. Weapon with ammo LOADED GUN
12. __ Club: Costco rival SAM’S
13. Number of gods in a monotheistic faith ONE
21. “Thank God” day: Abbr. FRI
22. Cuatro times dos OCHO
26. Clod chopper HOE
27. Get-up-and-go OOMPH
28. Ailment with a “season” FLU
29. Norwegian capital OSLO
30. “What’s Going On” singer Marvin GAYE
31. Sampras of tennis PETE
32. Moisturizer brand OLAY
33. Duke University athlete BLUE DEVIL
37. Like doggy bag contents LEFT OVER
38. Have a bite EAT
39. Knockout punch target JAW
41. Place for cargo HOLD
42. Buster Posey’s position CATCHER
44. On a chair SEATED
45. Moral standards ETHICS
46. Stretch the truth LIE
49. Kiddie lit elephant BABAR
50. Comment meant only for the audience ASIDE
51. Daisylike flower ASTER
52. Vagrant HOBO
53. Use an emery board on FILE
54. Even, as a score TIED
55. Etna output LAVA
56. Lump GOB
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