Crossword by: Brad Wilber / Edited by Rich Norris
Here is the complete list of answers for the Saturday April 26th LA Times Times crossword puzzle:
Across Answers
1. Sedona and others KIAS
5. Wok bottom coats OILS
9. Closed, for the most part AJAR
13. Digging INTO
14. Image on Maine’s state flag MOOSE
16. Function ROLE
17. “Yer __ tootin’!” DURN
18. Bestow AWARD
19. Liturgy RITE
20. 18th/19th-century Neapolitan guerrilla __ Diavolo FRA

21. Cameroon neighbor CHAD
22. Complained WHINED
24. Hall of Fame quarterback Dawson LEN

25. “Something Wicked This Way Comes” novelist RAY BRADBURY

27. Does some 32-Across, perhaps ADDS ON
29. Cap extensions EARLAPS
30. Unlikely to come unglued STOIC
31. Golfer’s challenge SAND
32. Reason for a loan HOME IMPROVEMENT
39. Word with check or date RAIN
40. 1969 Tony nominee for Best Musical ZORBA
41. Mideast rubber ALADDIN
45. Acorn-bearer with shallow roots PIN OAK
46. Deep-fried American Chinese dumpling dish CRAB RANGOON
48. Astoria-to-Salem dir. SSE
49. Gentle blow ZEPHYR
50. Remove WIPE
51. Give-go link IT A
52. “I Got You Babe” record label ATCO
53. Heavy lifter CRANE
55. Memorable anticipator of 39-Across NOAH
56. Surf phenomenon ROAR
57. Having more yellow than usual YOLKY
58. Crucifix inscription INRI
59. People who are tight SOTS
60. Further ELSE
61. Head-turner PSST!
Down Answers
1. One of DC Comics’ Teen Titans KID FLASH
2. No longer fazed by INURED TO
3. Willy-nilly AT RANDOM
4. Family address SON
5. Fred Astaire, for one OMAHAN
6. State in a “State Fair” song title IOWAY
7. You must keep it up throughout 32-Across LOAD-BEARING WALL
8. Moldavia, once: Abbr. SSR
9. Speedy exhortation ARRIBA!
10. Enlist JOIN UP
11. Takes in or lets out ALTERS
12. Not robust, vocally REEDY
15. Short-lived English king of 1483 EDWARD V
21. Saffron-yielding blooms CROCI
23. Blood test initials HDL
26. Monopolized the conversation RAN ON
28. Salzburg pronoun SIE
31. NATO member since 1982 SPAIN
33. Jane Austen’s “most disagreeable man in the world” MR DARCY
34. You might subscribe to it via PayPal EZINE
35. Many a fed. holiday MON
36. Canyon formers EROSIONS
37. Jazz greats, maybe NBA STARS
38. Suffer financially TAKE A HIT
41. Bit of schoolyard backtalk ARE TOO!
42. One getting strokes, in a good way LAP CAT
43. Can’t tolerate ABHORS
44. Uninspiring DRY
45. Olive enthusiast POPEYE
46. Moguls CZARS
47. Farmyard chorus OINKS
54. Ocean delicacy ROE
55. Chill NIP
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