Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Sunday July 17th 2022, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Lab warning : BARK
5 Provence city that inspired van Gogh : ARLES
10 Duolingo, e.g. : APP
13 One in a onesie : BABY
17 Mystical glows : AURAE
18 __ kebab : SHISH
19 Utter delight : GLEE
20 Ohio border lake : ERIE
21 Stopped suddenly : SCREECHED TO A HALT
24 Makes public : AIRS
25 Initials between names : AKA
26 Dada : PAPA
27 “Black Dog” singer Parks : ARLO
28 Avoided a deer in the road, say : VEERED
30 Summons for a certain assistant : HEY, SIRI
32 Medication warning : USE AS DIRECTED
35 “Let’s do this!” : IT’S ON
36 New Year celebrated with bánh chu’ng : TET
38 Bic Clic __ pens : STIC
39 Truly bizarre : OUTRE
40 JFK alternative : LGA
42 Princess who wields a chakram : XENA
45 Place for a catnap : SOFA
47 Statue bottom : BASE
48 “Marie Antoinette” director : SOFIA COPPOLA
53 Gets higher : RISES
55 Vietnamese soup : PHO
56 “I did it!” : TA-DA
57 Comfy slip-ons : MOCS
59 Writer Anaïs : NIN
60 County fair animal : PIG
63 Stop on the Taj Express : AGRA
65 The least bit : ONE IOTA
67 Jujitsu kin : AIKIDO
69 Zen temple feature : ROCK GARDEN
72 Tide fluctuation : EBB AND FLOW
75 Work boot tip : TOE CAP
76 Climbing needs : LADDERS
78 “Pretty please?” : CAN I
79 Toss into the mix : ADD
80 “You hate to see it” : SAD
82 Attempt : STAB
83 Schedule info : ETAS
86 Director Browning : TOD
87 Thyme unit : SPRIG
89 Many a Pro Bowl player : ELITE ATHLETE
92 Paul who plays the Riddler in “The Batman” : DANO
95 Cat costume part : TAIL
97 “My goodness!” : EGAD
98 “Who, me?” : MOI
99 Like some watches : SMART
101 Maasai Mara antelopes : GNUS
103 School in L.A. : USC
105 Author Evelyn : WAUGH
109 News program format : LIVE BROADCAST
113 Dessert with a crushed cookie crust : OREO PIE
115 President after Jack : LYNDON
116 Per person : EACH
117 Court plaintiff : SUER
118 Ohtani’s team, on scoreboards : LAA
119 Glowing review : RAVE
120 Get an advantage over : GAIN THE UPPER HAND
124 Western Shoshone neighbors : UTES
125 Colonnade trees : ELMS
126 Borden spokescow : ELSIE
127 Malt-drying kilns : OASTS
128 Gets in a pool : BETS
129 Ginger paste amt. : TSP
130 Bench planks : SLATS
131 Gumdrops brand : DOTS
1 Fried chicken container : BUCKET
2 Ordered displays : ARRAYS
3 Issa of “Hair Love” : RAE
4 Persevering with : KEEPING AT
5 Barbecue receptacle : ASHPIT
6 Seehorn of “Better Call Saul” : RHEA
7 Kimchi jar top : LID
8 “¿Cómo __?” : ESTAS
9 Clambake locale : SHORE
10 Pie __ mode : A LA
11 Stabilizing appendage for a shark : PELVIC FIN
12 Fizzle (out) : PETER
13 Grizzly youngsters : BEAR CUBS
14 Short operatic piece : ARIETTA
15 Cardinals’ followers, say : BIRDERS
16 “You betcha!” : YES
17 Sapporo competitor : ASAHI
19 Cuts off contact with : GHOSTS
22 Jam ingredient? : CAR
23 “What a shame!” : ALAS
29 Fair-hiring letters : EEO
31 Recital high points : SOLI
32 Sch. that hosts the Sun Bowl : UTEP
33 J’adore perfumer : DIOR
34 “Bessie” director Rees : DEE
37 Open more stores, say : EXPAND
41 Obamacare, initially : ACA
43 Propose for an award : NOMINATE
44 __ tikki: potato patties : ALOO
46 From China, e.g. : ASIAN
48 City-state known for its austerity : SPARTA
49 “Happy to hear it!” : OH GOOD
50 Not natural : FORCED
51 What hydrogen lacks : ODOR
52 Feigned toughness : ACTED BIG
54 Oklahoma city : ENID
58 “¿Quién __?”: Spanish “Who knows?” : SABE
60 “Jesus Christ Superstar” character : PILATE
61 Emphatic denial : I DO NOT
62 Miss a field goal attempt, say : GO WIDE
64 “Best in Show” org. : AKC
66 Fish in Hamburg Aalsuppe : EELS
68 Largest fast-food chain in China : KFC
70 Sound of surprise : GASP
71 Not together : APART
73 64-Down concern : BREEDS
74 “The Thin Man” dog : ASTA
77 Glass artist Chihuly : DALE
81 Bishop’s paths : DIAGONALS
84 20s source : ATM
85 Bathroom fixture : SHOWER ROD
87 Post-marathon feeling : SORENESS
88 “Suits” actress Torres : GINA
90 Stretched tight : TAUT
91 “Fuller House” actress Ashley : LIAO
92 Cable alternative : DSL
93 “Is there still time?” : AM I LATE?
94 Former Seabee, say : NAVY VET
96 Cough drops brand : LUDEN’S
100 Not yet settled, briefly : TBD
102 “Get lost!” : SCAT
104 Two-door cars : COUPES
106 Batting ninth : UP LAST
107 Titans : GIANTS
108 Coin flip choice : HEADS
110 Word often used as a synonym for “thesaurus” : ROGET
111 Dull pains : ACHES
112 Snail’s home : SHELL
114 “The Pioneer Woman” host Drummond : REE
117 Rotisserie part : SPIT
119 Tofu steak coating : RUB
121 Little rascal : IMP
122 Erin Jackson’s Olympic team : USA
123 “Ni __”: “Hello,” in Hangzhou : HAO
Just worked this puzzle. But can see what the circled letters mean. Curious. Can you help?
Thank you