Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Tuesday May 1st 2018, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Goldman’s partner SACHS
6. Socially awkward sort DORK
10. Potter’s material CLAY
14. Voyager 1, e.g. PROBE
15. Like James Bond antagonists EVIL
16. With 11-Down, 2016 almost-Oscar-winning movie LA LA
17. Screen legend Flynn ERROL
18. *Tuna eater’s tool, maybe CAN OPENER
20. Neither’s partner NOR
21. Boxing ref’s decision TKO
23. Worked, as dough KNEADED
24. *Eyebrow-plucking tool TWEEZERS
27. Family room DEN
28. Captain’s group CREW
29. Spring shape COIL
31. Lottery ticket purchase, essentially BET
34. Michaelmas daisy ASTER
36. *Shape of rotini pasta CORKSCREW
38. Trendy CHIC
39. Sixth __: intuition SENSE
40. Emile who wrote “J’Accuse…!” ZOLA
41. *Cocktail frank stabber TOOTHPICK
43. “Miracle on 34th Street” store MACY’S
44. Thor, to Odin SON
45. Its football team has played Harvard 134 times YALE
46. Grand Marquis, for short MERC
47. 2100, to Augustus MMC
48. *Loser to rock, beater of paper SCISSORS
52. Adjusted (to) ATTUNED
56. Dorm mgrs. RAS
57. “Ben-Hur” author Wallace LEW
58. With 60-Across, contraption that includes the answers to the starred clues SWISS ARMY
60. See 58-Across KNIFE
62. Pub size PINT
63. “The World According to __” GARP
64. Concave navel INNIE
65. Not leave STAY
66. Leave EXIT
67. Surprising plot development TWIST
1. Used up SPENT
2. Cursor shape ARROW
3. Proofer’s change CORRECTION
4. “Game of Thrones” network HBO
5. Soda water SELTZER
6. Interior designer’s concern DECOR
7. Eggs, to a biologist OVA
8. Hockey venue RINK
9. Yukon gold rush region KLONDIKE
10. Wash the dirt off CLEAN
11. See 16-Across LAND
12. Protected at sea ALEE
13. Three feet YARD
19. Banana leftovers PEELS
22. Royal Botanic Gardens locale KEW
25. Build ERECT
26. Wall-mounted light fixtures SCONCES
30. Ural River city ORSK
31. Hybrid green veggie with small florets BROCCOLINI
32. Slippery EELY
33. “__ the night before … ” ‘TWAS
34. Play divisions ACTS
35. “Go away!” SHOO!
36. Put a roof on CEIL
37. Business magnates CZARS
39. Era that began with Sputnik SPACE AGE
42. Church songs HYMNS
43. Soldier’s cooking supplies MESS KIT
46. Actress Farrow MIA
47. In need of air freshener MUSTY
49. Burial chamber CRYPT
50. Int.-reducing mortgages REFIS
51. Like sugar SWEET
52. Egyptian snakes ASPS
53. Foolish one TWIT
54. Funny Fey TINA
55. “The Destroyer” of Marvel Comics DRAX
59. Med. scan MRI
61. Opposite of SSE… NNW
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