Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Tuesday May 7th 2019, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Part of an urban fleet CAB
4 Recipe amt. TBSP
8 Eva of “Green Acres” GABOR
13 Tire filler AIR
14 Part of a Basque ball game name ALAI
15 Deli counter staple SALAMI
16 *Privates’ training site BOOT CAMP
18 Very cold ARCTIC
19 Soothing succulent ALOE
20 Forever, it seems NO END
22 Aptly named autopilot in “Airplane!” OTTO
23 Similar to LIKE
24 Oscar winner Winslet of “The Reader” KATE
25 Chum PAL
26 Fourth quarter mo. DEC
28 Big brass TUBA
30 MPG-testing org. EPA
33 Surprise attack AMBUSH
36 “__ Brockovich” ERIN
37 Swindle CON
38 Framed in the darkroom for artistic effect CROPPED
40 Nearly obsolete golf club ONE IRON
42 Word after trail or party MIX
43 On the rocks ICED
45 Diamond-shaped pattern ARGYLE
46 “Outta here!” PC key ESC
47 Kitchen gadget brand EKCO
48 Campaigned RAN
49 Throw in ADD
51 Courtroom fig. ATTY
53 Santa Anita data ODDS
57 Prefix for half of Earth HEMI-
59 Acid used in cooking oil OLEIC
60 Hilarious routine RIOT
61 Removed the pull tab from OPENED
63 Apparent setting for a two-letter comic strip suggested by the answers to starred clues STONE AGE
65 Calm SERENE
66 Ye __ Shoppe OLDE
67 Hoops net holder RIM
68 Mail-order pioneer SEARS
69 Have to have NEED
70 “I did it!” YES!
1 Conspiratorial group CABAL
2 Garlicky sauce AIOLI
3 Trout’s home BROOK
4 Tic-__-toe TAC
5 *Unlimited budget, figuratively BLANK CHECK
6 Popular Girl Scout cookie SAMOA
7 Lab tube PIPETTE
8 Narrow, bony fish GAR
9 Metal industry giant ALCOA
10 *Uris WWII novel BATTLE CRY
11 Drop from a list OMIT
12 Puerto __ RICO
15 Down in the dumps SAD
17 Prepared to drive, in golf TEED UP
21 Prefix with surgery NEURO-
25 Bakery-café chain PANERA
27 Spotted ESPIED
29 *System with only ones and zeros BINARY CODE
31 Health club amenity POOL
32 Green Gables lass ANNE
33 Wile E. Coyote vendor ACME
34 Open __: scans for the claustrophobic MRIS
35 *Picture-taking Brownie BOX CAMERA
39 Window sticker DECAL
41 Pay no heed to IGNORE
44 Loves to a fault DOTES ON
50 Informal eatery DINER
52 Book cover info TITLE
54 Personal journal DIARY
55 Wayward calf DOGIE
56 Flower supporters STEMS
57 Hefty Cartwright brother HOSS
58 Olympic weapon EPEE
59 Tribute in verse ODE
62 Nav. rank ENS
64 Actor Beatty NED
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